Hypnosis in preparation for childbirth
Hypnosis has several uses and applications. In this work of preparation for childbirth, we work on the potential of the mind as a direction to reach a desired goal.
There are 3 meetings lasting 2-hours each using hypnosis in exploring the five senses, breathing techniques, guided tailored relaxation, positive affirmations and visualizations.
In preparation for the birth of my second daughter I attended the Gabriela Laplane workshop. I was so enchanted that I asked her to do this job with me and my husband. I had such a positive experience with hypnosis in the preparation, childbirth and postpartum period that I felt an enormous desire to dive further into this universe. It was then that I took the Hypnosis course at Lúcia DeJu's Obstetric Assistance and started to incorporate this work in my range of activities aimed at the care of pregnant and postpartum women.
Get in touch here.